Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Visit to Michigan

I will be visiting Hillel Day School next Monday. Please feel free to post here or email me if you have questions.


Mrs. Radner's Fourth Grade Class said...

Dear Eric:
Our class was so glad to meet you in person yesterday. Thank you for coming to our school to talk to us in person.
Here are some of the questions that we didn't get a chance to ask you:
1. Are you still in touch with the people with whom you went to Antarctica?
2. You told us you work in the Florida Everglades. What is your job there?
3. You said you would like to go back to Antarctica again and you said probably next year you will go. What are some of the projects you still want to do in Antarctica that you didn't have a chance to do on this trip?
4. We saw in the picture that you wore a headset in the helicopter. Was this for anything special?
5. Was the time change a problem?
6. Were you happy to come back home, or did you want to stay in Antarctica longer?
7. What is the follow-up to the Antarctica projects you did this year?
8. What do people with special diets, like kosher, or vegetarian, or lactose intolerant, eat in Antarctica, or do they just not go to Antarctica in the first place because special food is hard to get?
Again, we were so glad to meet you. Thank you for coming. Much success always.
Mrs. Radner's Fourth Grade Class

Barbara said...

Dear Mr. Eric: Thank you for coming to our school. We liked seeing the penguins on the Smart Board. The red and blue helicopter that brought you supplies was cool. We liked seeing your hat and goggles. It was nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to our school.

Love your friends in Room 23 at the Hillel ECC

Eric Sokol said...

Thanks for the comments. I had a great time visiting your school. Answers to your questions are posted in a new blog entry.